Tuples of Each Element of Array Within Array

I have an array of Xs. Each X might have an array of Ys. I want an array of Ys paired with its owning X. I would describe this as turning the array of arrays inside out. I do not want to use for loops.

I made no effort for this code to be concise or performant. The CustomStringConvertible conformance is for human-readable output in the console.


struct Tomato : CustomStringConvertible {
    let mass:Double
    var description: String {
        return "tomato: mass = \(mass)"
enum Health { case dead, bad, good, perfect }
struct Plant : CustomStringConvertible {
    let health:Health
    let tomatoes:[Tomato]?
    var description: String {
        return "plant: health = \(health)"
struct Pair : CustomStringConvertible {
    let tomato:Tomato
    let plant:Plant
    var description: String {
        return "pair:\n\t\(tomato)\n\t\(plant)\n"
let plants:[Plant] = [
    Plant(health: .dead, tomatoes:nil),
    Plant(health: .bad, tomatoes: [Tomato(mass:4.6), Tomato(mass:3.32)]),
    Plant(health: .good, tomatoes: [Tomato(mass:28.9)])
// We want an array of all the tomatoes,
// but each is paired with the plant it comes from.
let pairs:[Pair] = plants.compactMap({ plant in
    plant.tomatoes?.map({ tomato in
        return Pair(tomato: tomato, plant: plant)
}).flatMap({ $0 })


	tomato: mass = 4.6
	plant: health = bad
, pair:
	tomato: mass = 3.32
	plant: health = bad
, pair:
	tomato: mass = 28.9
	plant: health = good